Several releases contain notes marked as "Important". Prior to upgrading versions, enter your current build number (e.g. 7852) to view important notes that may affect your upgrade.
Please only enter the build number. For instance, if you are using version 12.2.5266, just enter "5266". This information can be found in your About page in the product.
6.4.4296 (Oct 6, 2011)
Fixed: If a customer exits a live chat by closing the chat window instead of clicking the End Chat button, the live chat will be removed from the queue.
Fixed: The file manager for knowledge base articles now functions as expected when an agent or system administrator is logged into the portal but not the management interface.
Fixed: The file manager now automatically creates folders when uploading files.
6.3.4212 (Jul 14, 2011)
Fixed: Alert notifications for agents now use the email address specified in the error notifications setting.
Fixed: Custom reports now display the date range used to create the report.
Fixed: Double-clicking items in the Tickets tab when viewing the user details popup now functions as expected.
Fixed: Email addresses with apostrophes are now parsed correctly.
Fixed: Setting a report's date range value to "last year" now functions as expected.
Fixed: The hourly cost field on the User Settings page now uses the correct currency format based on the system's currency locale.
Fixed: The online activity notification event action is now formatted properly.
Fixed: The raw content that is stored for ticket messages is longer deleted prematurely.
Fixed: Viewing audit reports will now functions as expected.
6.2.4184 (Jun 16, 2011)
Fixed: Chat statistics are now reported correctly when using the Force Live Chat or Send Live Chat Invitation options for a Who's On event.
Fixed: Exporting reports no longer displays an error.
Fixed: The Force Live Chat and Send Live Chat Invitation options for a Who's On event now function as expected.
6.2.4170 (Jun 2, 2011)
Fixed: Custom reports now correctly apply the selected filter by option.
Fixed: If multiple tickets are imported at the same time, they are now assigned in the correct order.
Fixed: Live chats transferred to a group that has no available agents now remain in that group's queue until an agent is available.
Fixed: SmarterTrack now assigns tickets to the correct group when a new ticket is created using the CreateTicket Web services method.
Fixed: The group by and filter by options in scheduled email reports and custom reports now function as expected.
Fixed: The POP retrieval function now continues to run properly if it receives a SQL connection timeout error.
Efficiency: The ticket watcher thread has been optimized to handle a higher number of tickets in the queue.
6.1.4093 (Mar 17, 2011)
Fixed: Requiring the registered user role to submit or view tickets in the portal or to initiate live chats now functions as expected.
6.1.4086 (Mar 10, 2011)
IMPORTANT: The web.config file has been changed due to the removal of dependencies on third-party controls. If the web.config file has been customized, the system administrator will need to further modify the file. For more information, refer to Troubleshooting - Could Not Load Type Telerik.Web.UI in the SmarterTrack Knowledge Base.
Added: A file manager for adding or editing images, media, flash objects or hyperlinks in knowledge base articles and news items.
Added: A live chat setting to display the live chat number to the customer when a new chat begins.
Added: A loading message that displays whenever an action in the management interface takes longer than 2 seconds.
Added: A new organization Web service method that retrieves all agents actively receiving live chats for a specific group.
Added: A new organization Web service method that retrieves all agents actively receiving tickets for a specific group.
Added: A ticket setting that specifices whether new or transferred tickets can be assigned to inactive agents.
Added: Reports now indicate in the report header which filter is selected.
Added: The ability to add a sticky note to tickets, which always display at the top of the ticket conversation.
Added: The ability to assign a new priority to a transferred ticket.
Changed: Agents can now click the New button in the navigation pane toolbar to trigger the default action for the selected interface section. Clicking the arrow next to the New button now gives users the option of creating a new ticket, knowledge base article, news item, instant message, chat room, call log, task or canned reply.
Changed: Connecting to a MySQL database now enforces UTF8 as the valid character set.
Changed: SmarterTrack now allows system administrators to delete multiple employees simultaneously.
Changed: When a system administrator changes his own username, he will automatically be logged out of SmarterTrack.
Removed: To improve usability, the pagers on the employees and users pages in system settings have been removed. Items on these pages can now be scrolled on one page.
Removed: Unused third-party dependencies have been removed from SmarterTrack.
Fixed: Adding agents to an active instant message now functions as expected.
Fixed: Adding https:// to a survey URL now functions as expected.
Fixed: Agents and systems administrators can now print reports as expected.
Fixed: Deleted call logs are no longer included in the list of items in the content pane the first time the call log section is visited.
Fixed: Improved the compatibility of the SmarterTrack management interface with Internet Explorer 6 and 7.
Fixed: Pressing the Enter key in a live chat's message box now sends the message as expected when using Internet Explorer 6 and 7.
Fixed: Removing an agent from a group now prevents SmarterTrack from assigning the agent tickets and live chats as expected.
Fixed: Renaming the primary administrator account now functions as expected.
Fixed: Selecting all items in the content pane now allows actions to be performed in the live chat section as expected.
Fixed: SmarterTrack now indicates a ticket's follow-up is overdue as expected.
Fixed: SmarterTrack now prefixes the base URL in general settings with http:// if it is not provided.
Fixed: The built-in Web server now returns HTTP version 1.1 as expected.
Fixed: The event system no longer creates duplicate default event groups when a new employee is created.
Fixed: The knowledge base Web service now returns a message that no results were found if no articles match the search query.
Fixed: The link to view the raw content of a bounced ticket message is now clickable.
Fixed: The list of filters in the report header now displays in alphabetical order.
Fixed: The login page for the SmarterTrack mobile interface now displays an error message when an agent or system administrator fails to provide the correct credentials.
Fixed: The maximum frequency setting for event actions now functions as expected.
Fixed: The preview pane now refreshes automatically after the ticket is transferred.
Fixed: The primary system administrator account can no longer be deleted.
Fixed: The reply options are now available as expected after clicking the Take button.
Fixed: The system administrator can no longer delete the account he is logged into.
Fixed: Who's On events now function as expected.
Efficiency: Live chat and ticket items now load faster when scrolling in the content pane.
Efficiency: Purge and delete functionality is now batched into fewer queries to improve performance.
Efficiency: Reduced the number of queries to the SmarterTrack database.
6.0.4058 (Feb 10, 2011)
Fixed: Comments added to tickets and live chats are now encoded properly and will not show numbers and characters in place of apostrophes.
Fixed: Disabling all social networking items now functions as expected.
Fixed: Live chats can now be transferred to other agents as expected.
Fixed: Selecting items in the tickets grid now functions as expected.
Fixed: System administrators can now disable instant messaging and chat rooms without disabling the live chat feature.
Fixed: The Clustering settings page is no longer available in SmarterTrack Free.
Fixed: The item count at the bottom of the content pane in call logs and tasks now reflects the actual number of items in the grid.
Fixed: The live chat queue now displays the correct number of items in the navigation pane.
Fixed: The number shown in a ticket's related item tab is now correct.
Fixed: The purge button in the knowledge base section now functions as expected
Fixed: The purge button in the news section now functions as expected
Fixed: The tickets grid no longer steals focus from other windows in Internet Explorer.
Fixed: Ticket idle events with the event critieria of active status now function as expected.
Fixed: Ticket messages can now be composed in plain text mode.
Fixed: Transferring a ticket, live chat, call log or task in the management interface no longer deselect items in the grid.
Fixed: Updated language strings for English translation file.
Efficiency: Optimized grids so that more items can processed at a time
Efficiency: SmarterTrack now loads auto-suggested knowledge base articles in tickets and live chats 150% faster.
Efficiency: The tickets, live chat, call log and tasks grids now only refresh their contents when an item in the grid changes.
6.0.4044 (Jan 27, 2011)
Fixed: Agents and system administrators accessing the management interface via Internet Explorer can now add events as expected.
Fixed: Automatic failover now funtions as expected when using a MySQL configuration.
Fixed: Expanding a brand, department or group from the tickets and live chat tree view will no longer redirect you to other sections of the management interface
Fixed: If a ticket does not have the submitter's email address, the management interface will indicate that the email address is unavailable.
Fixed: Reconnecting to a database by deleting the SystemSettings.xml file no longer adds duplicate entries to the clustering settings page in load balanced mode.
Fixed: SmarterTrack now automatically updates the number of items displayed at the bottom of the Who's On grid.
Fixed: SmarterTrack now displays the correct number of live chat items in the tree view.
Fixed: The live chat and tasks sections now display the correct grid items when loaded for the first time.
Fixed: The provided web.config file now allows SmarterTrack to function as expected in classic mode in IIS.
Fixed: The required table prefix is now being used for all database queries
Fixed: The title of the Who's On settings page is now encoded properly to prevent XSS attacks.
6.0.4037 (Jan 20, 2011)
Added: A new role permission to hide the queue.
Added: A new role permission to restrict an agent’s ability to start or stop receiving tickets and live chats.
Added: A new role permission to restrict the ability to transfer tickets, live chats and call logs to other agents or groups.
Added: A new setting that indicates whether or not the contents of a knowledge base folder are used to auto-suggest articles when a customer submits a new ticket.
Added: A redesigned SmarterTrack skin that makes it easier to find work items and improves browser performance.
Added: A visual indicator that notifies agents when another agent is writing a coaching message.
Added: An events external provider to update third-party software and databases on any action taken by an agent in SmarterTrack.
Added: Call log integration with VOIP systems.
Added: Click-to-call functionality that allows agents to launch a phone call by clicking on a phone number in a ticket, live chat or call log.
Added: Dual axis charting for many reports, resulting in reports that are easier to read and better for detecting trends.
Added: Google Analytics integration so system administrators can track Web analytics on portal pages.
Added: New events for time logs and agent status.
Added: New Web services for adding, editing and deleting tasks.
Added: New Web services to add, edit and delete call logs.
Added: New Web services to add, edit, delete and assign user roles.
Added: Settings page to configure time log categories.
Added: Social networking links now display on news items in the portal.
Added: Support for automatic failover
Added: Support for load balancing and high-availability environments.
Added: The ability to change the orientation of the preview pane.
Added: The ability to manage and respond to live chats via the SmarterTrack mobile interface.
Added: The ability to transfer tickets to other servers on which SmarterTrack is installed.
Added: The ability to view and respond to tickets and live chats without having the management interface open.
Added: The ability to view, edit and search custom fields for tickets and live chats via the SmarterTrack mobile interface.
Added: The new call log window now accepts query string values for subject, name, phone, email, group, and agent to automatically populate input fields.
Added: The SmarterTrack mobile interface now notifies agents when they try to log in that mobile ticket and live chat management is only available with SmarterTrack Enterprise.
Added: Time logging to track the amount of time agents spend working on tickets, live chats and phone calls.
Added: Time stamps now display on every message in a live chat.
Added: To allow for better coaching opportunities, the real-time typing feature now allows other agents to see the message an agent is typing to a customer prior to sending it.
Added: To improve usability, the survey section now has a preview pane.
Added: Various grids within the management interface now include a status column. To improve usability, different statuses are displayed in different colors.
Changed: Agents can now view the location of a user they are live chatting with in a popup window instead of a tab within the chat.
Changed: Coaching messages are now embedded into the live chat transcript to improve usability.
Changed: Favorites, custom reports and scheduled email reports have been redesigned for ease of use and configuration.
Changed: Related time logs, tasks, files and existing items now display in the Related Items tab of tickets, live chats and call logs.
Changed: SmarterTrack now automatically completes the name, email address, group and agent fields when an agent adds a new call log to an existing ticket.
Changed: SmarterTrack now sends an auto-responder message to the customer when an agent creates a ticket on behalf of the customer.
Changed: The language and keyword options for a knowledge base article are now accessible from the Options tab.
Changed: The manage and workspace areas of the management interface have been removed. Work items are now grouped by feature within the management interface.
Changed: The visual indicators that notify agents when there are critical tickets and live chats are easier to find.
Changed: The welcome message now displays before the customer's initial message to an agent in live chat.
Changed: To improve usability, grids in the management interface are now infinitely scrolling.
Changed: To improve usability, surveys now indicate the live chat or ticket number they are in reference to.
Changed: To improve usability, the AFK indicator now reads "Currently AFK" when an agent is away from the keyboard or "Go AFK" when an agent is actively able to receive tickets and live chats.
Changed: Upon upgrading to SmarterTrack 6.x, the visible columns will be reset to display the default columns.
Changed: When linking translations of knowledge base articles, SmarterTrack now automatically selects the folder in which the original article is saved.
Changed: When using SmarterTrack Enterprise with Failover Functionality, failover automatically occurs when the primary server goes offline.
Removed: The brand setting has been removed from Who's On filters.
Removed: The removed items view has been removed from the Who's On section.
Fixed: Deleting the SystemSettings.xml file in the App_Data\Config folder now resets the base URL setting for SmarterTrack to its default.
Fixed: Reordering survey questions now functions as expected.
Fixed: The Details tab of live chat now displays the agent assigned to the chat.
Efficiency: Optimized database caching for faster page loads.
Efficiency: Optimized live chat script for faster page loads.
Efficiency: Optimized Who's On script for faster page loads.