Several releases contain notes marked as "Important". Prior to upgrading versions, enter your current build number (e.g. 7852) to view important notes that may affect your upgrade.
Please only enter the build number. For instance, if you are using version 12.2.5266, just enter "5266". This information can be found in your About page in the product.
14.1.6885 (Nov 7, 2018)
Changed: Hidden grids on the employee edit and preview pages no longer load, speeding up page loads.
Fixed: After registering a new account, the page is automatically redirected, preventing the user from seeing the note about account verification.
Fixed: Autoresponders break when trying to replace translatable strings.
Fixed: Bad link URLs in the German translations of hosted messages.
Fixed: Can't embed YouTube videos using privacy-enhanced mode.
Fixed: Double clicking an item in the Surveys content pane can cause unrelated questions to be displayed.
Fixed: GetTicketsBySearch API call not returning queued tickets when no agent is specified.
Fixed: Locked out users can't reset password.
Fixed: News and KB navigation buttons are missing from a fresh install.
Fixed: Recent News is improperly styled on new installs.
Fixed: Single Selection type survey questions must be answered to submit survey, even when they are not marked as required.
Fixed: Ticket Purge can fail and hang the purge thread.
Fixed: Using Insert Form on a new ticket generates a bad link and prevents the ticket window from auto-closing.
Fixed: Variables list incorrectly displaying for the Send Canned Reply event action type.
Fixed: When an incoming email has a from address like "John Doe (" <>, the email address is not properly parsed.
Fixed: When using "Forgot Password" on the portal, the message that the request has been sent fades too quickly.
14.1.6813 (Aug 31, 2018)
Fixed: "Clear" button for KB Advanced Search does not work.
Fixed: Community Permissions alert does not match Custom Portal colors.
Fixed: Event actions and Groups do not delete in IE.
Fixed: From the portal ticket submission page, uploading a file that is too large redirects to a 404 error page.
Fixed: Portal color option fields are too narrow on Mac browsers.
Fixed: User or agent avatars uploaded from the management interface don't save.
Fixed: Using the CreateTicketWIthDate API method with sendEmail set to true returns a "Failed to create the ticket" error even though the ticket is created.
Fixed: When a conversation is sent from the My Conversations page to an agent, the message field is not cleared.
Fixed: When merging tickets from the User Details window, the tickets grid is not refreshed.
Fixed: When the navigation tree pane is very narrow (or groups have really long names), there can be issues displaying the counts properly.
Fixed: When there are no threads to show, the Mark All as Read control is still visible.
Fixed: While configuring a new ticket event, actions cannot be deleted.
14.1.6795 (Aug 9, 2018)
Added: Add "Remove Format" button to portal HTML editors.
Added: When navigating from the "Create Thread" page before the thread is posted, warn the user they are about to lose data.
Changed: Cookie and Privacy policy settings have been moved to a new tab.
Changed: For tickets in the content pane, the ticket subject now displays as the first line/header instead of the user name and email.
Changed: If a user doesn't have permission to include links in their conversations, an error message is displayed.
Changed: Modify then Send Message modal behavior and add a more descriptive toast notification for when a user tries to message another user who has blocked them.
Changed: Recent and Recently Transferred will continue to be enabled when a specific brand is selected.
Changed: Show the max file size error with the file size in KB or MB, as appropriate.
Fixed: Attachments are getting treated as duplicates even if the original attachment no longer exists on disk.
Fixed: Call Logs By Agent view is not actually filtering by agent.
Fixed: Can't remove a translation from a translatable string.
Fixed: Clicking Cancel on the Start Trial modal in the Licensing area makes the menu bar briefly disappear.
Fixed: Custom fields are not properly limiting the length of entered text values.
Fixed: Delete option in the KB content pane's context menu doesn't work.
Fixed: Moderation reason showing up in Russian.
Fixed: Recipient email address is not always included in the Ticket History for outbound messages.
Fixed: Saving a custom template fails saying there are multiple of the same field even if there are not.
Fixed: Saving Email or Management Interface settings triggers endless spinner.
Fixed: Status icons for chats in the User Details view are missing.
Fixed: User details windows always open in the same window.
Fixed: When configuring a Custom Template, the same Custom Field can be added multiple times.
Fixed: When sending a Manual Ticket Event, the Manual Events list includes events that have been disabled.
Fixed: When using Edge, the User edit popup doesn't close the first time the save button is clicked.
Fixed: Who's on filter not editable right after being edited.
Translations: Update German language file to correct "Forward" translation.
14.1.6781 (Jul 26, 2018)
Added: At Settings > Employees, Administrators can now right-click on an employee to access the Delete option.
Added: When an employee successfully changes their password, a toast notification is displayed that their password was successfully changed.
Added: When viewing tickets at the Portal, a "Back to Tickets" link is now available to return you to the previous page.
Changed: At Settings > Who's On, the Save button is hidden when viewing the Website Integration tab.
Changed: At Settings > Who's On, the Website Integration tab is now inactive if Who's On is disabled.
Changed: In the Who's On navigation pane, the context menu was simplified to remove the "Actions" submenu header.
Changed: Moved list of Custom Reports to a drop down to help separate the reports from "Manage Custom Reports" and "Scheduled Email Reports".
Changed: The contrast checker will now verify that the new color is a better contrast before applying it.
Fixed: Adding a new or editing an existing knowledge base article caused an Oops! page when viewing the article at the Portal and Management Interface due to the KB Cache removing articles instead of clearing cache.
Fixed: Firing a manual task event requires a refresh of the preview pane before updating the task's History tab.
Fixed: In Dark theme, the copyright notice on the About SmarterTrack modal is difficult to read.
Fixed: In the Knowledge Base content pane, the order of the KB's private/public and reviewed/needs review statuses could vary.
Fixed: Logos with a transparent background do not display properly on the Portal.
Fixed: No error message shows when trying to save multiple of the same custom field on a Template.
Fixed: Saving an edited task causes infinite spinner.
Fixed: Saving Who's On settings causes an infinite spinner.
Fixed: The 'Drop down list' and 'Drop down list with textbox' custom field types were not properly rendering translatable strings.
Fixed: Ticket API "AddMessageToTicket" is not sending email to the inputted CC address.
Fixed: When using the Show HTML option on a ticket, link without a set target cause the following text to be truncated.
Fixed: When viewing a knowledge base article in the management interface, the count on the Translation tab is only displayed when editing the article.
14.1.6773 (Jul 19, 2018)
Added: Ability to add Members to an Organization when creating the Organization.
Added: Ability to create a Form field for a website URL.
Added: Blacklist setting for free email domains so they cannot be used for Organization Members added using the Domain Member type. (E.g.,,, etc.)
Added: Confirmation modal to Reset Statistics button.
Added: New option for Organization Members to allow specific Member types to view all Organization tickets in the portal.
Added: Organization Members can be created based on phone number.
Added: Show which Members have permission to view Organization tickets in the portal.
Added: Start Time to the displayed details in the Merge Tickets modal.
Added: Text areas with size limits now have a character counter.
Added: Ticket Events can now have a Send Form action.
Added: When viewing an individual ticket on the portal, the status of the ticket is shown.
Changed: Adding an internal attachment to ticket or deleting an attachment from a ticket will now trigger the ticket content pane to update and either display or remove the attachment icon.
Changed: Adjusted behavior for report abuse/moderate abuse involving agents.
Changed: Adjusted color of icons in the ticket content pane to be more consistent.
Changed: Creating a New Task opens in a new window instead of a modal.
Changed: Dates and times for Agent chats will always show the date and time.
Changed: If a ticket is reopened when assigned to a deleted agent - or an agent who no longer has access to the group the ticket is in - the ticket is transferred to the queue.
Changed: If the customer for a ticket submitted through the portal is not a user, the display name that was submitted is now shown in the ticket details.
Changed: In the Events grid, the Status column has been replaced with the Enabled column and a checkmark is displayed when an Event is enabled.
Changed: Language strings for the management password reset page updated.
Changed: Limit viewing of tickets on the portal to Members of an Organization with specific usernames, or email address and/or domain members who have the verified email Role.
Changed: Replaced check-boxes to either be empty or show a check-mark in some grids.
Changed: Restyle the Notification Profile modal.
Changed: The Members grid for an Organization now lists "Username" instead of "User" in the type column.
Changed: The My Conversation send button now uses a drop-down to contain the send, report and block options.
Changed: When a Ticket without a customer is viewed in the management interface, it will try to find a matching verified user account based on the first listed email address.
Changed: When deleting an employee, only ask about reassigning items that the employee had.
Changed: When getting KB articles or news items for a portal user, include any generic language articles for users who have a specific region selected. Example Generic English ("en") included for specific English-US ("en-us").
Removed: "Verified" from the Registered users view content pane.
Fixed: Attempting to delete the default brand triggers an endless spinner.
Fixed: Auto Close and Auto Delete are ignore tickets in deleted departments.
Fixed: Chat system messages are inserting language strings based on sending user's language preference.
Fixed: Draft saves no longer show a confirmation when it is successful.
Fixed: Google recaptcha not working properly.
Fixed: Header elements can overlap when using a narrow window.
Fixed: HyperGrids in modals have inconsistent background color.
Fixed: If a cache throws an exception while initializing, the IIS app pool must be reset to allow the cache to try initializing again.
Fixed: If the Organization at the bottom of the list is deleted, the preview pane is not refreshed.
Fixed: If the selected brand is changed while looking at the Ticket Queue, the content pane and preview pane are not properly refreshed.
Fixed: If uploading an invalid file type for a user's avatar, an endless spinner is triggered.
Fixed: In Group settings, removing a user from a group causes an endless spinner.
Fixed: Insert canned reply search is not returning results as expected.
Fixed: KB article doesn't properly validate the length of the Summary when saving.
Fixed: KnowledgeBase link in a Community thread can lead to a broken KB article causing an error on the page to show where the link should be.
Fixed: Management forgot password page shows the Old Password label.
Fixed: Manager/Admin chat UI inconsistent when opening a chat from a link.
Fixed: Reopening a ticket assigned to a deleted group or department can cause tickets to not show in the content pane.
Fixed: Resent ticket message not including attachments.
Fixed: Saving a long summary under the character limit for a news item can cause unexpected results.
Fixed: Saving a signature with a brand selected causes an oops page.
Fixed: Saving Live Chat settings causes endless spinner.
Fixed: Some agents unable to view completed forms.
Fixed: Sorting Canned Replies by language sorts the languages in an unexpected order.
Fixed: Text on "Ban User" confirmation is incorrect font size.
Fixed: The Send Message and Report Abuse button does not immediately show the login modal for Portal visitors who are not logged in.
Fixed: Ticket counts are out of sync with visible tickets for Admin accounts that are not members of all groups.
Fixed: Transferring completed live chat doesn't update the content pane.
Fixed: When a brand is using the default SMTP, the Forgot Password link does not show on the portal.
Fixed: When a completed live chat is assigned to a deleted agent, the agents name is not displayed in the content pane.
Fixed: When a completed live chat is assigned to the queue, it doesn't show "Queue" in the panel grid for the global view.
Fixed: When a user's activity is hidden due to pending moderation, the "No items to show" text is missing.
Fixed: When deleting an agent, pinned tickets and tickets with drafts are not transferring to the target agent.
Fixed: When returning from selecting a form field type in the Add Field modal, the Field Type drop-down loses focus.
Fixed: When switching from Gravatar to an uploaded avatar, the new image must be uploaded twice.
Fixed: When the ticket content pane is refreshed, the selected ticket may change.
Fixed: When tickets are filtered by brand, the count for the Queue is incorrect.
Fixed: When trying to delete a ticket template that is associated with a department, the delete fails without showing a failure notification with the reason why.
Fixed: When unpinning a ticket, the menu item stays checked.
Fixed: When using Firefox, tickets that are changed to active while viewing the Active list do not always load correctly.
Fixed: When viewing a reported profile the styling of the Reported tag is incorrect for users without moderation controls.
14.0.6752 (Jun 28, 2018)
Changed: Reorder context menus so that Delete is not the first item.
Fixed: Files with a + in the name don't save or send properly when using "Attach Files" in the reply window.
Fixed: KB article translations cannot be unlinked.
Fixed: Modifying a user's role does not update the preview pane.
Fixed: Modifying the start date/time on Call Logs, Tasks, etc. changes the end date/time, even if it is later then the new start date/time.
Fixed: Not all user caches are properly updated when a new user is created, preventing the user/agent from logging in.
Fixed: Performing a search on the Tickets > Organizations tab at the Portal switches the view to and returns results for the My Tickets tab.
Fixed: Reporting for "Replies Inserted into Tickets" was not preserved for Canned Replies reports.
Fixed: Transferring a chat without a comment creates an empty transfer comment.
Fixed: Using the Resend option on a ticket duplicates the ticket number in the email subject.
14.0.6746 (Jun 22, 2018)
Changed: Counters in the Alerts menu should use Content Background Color for the text and Text Color for the background.
Changed: When editing an existing organization, adding/deleting a comment happens immediately instead of waiting for the organization to save.
Fixed: Can't send conversation messages from a user's Community profile page when using MySQL.
Fixed: Changing a user's username doesn't properly update the UserIdsByNameCache.
Fixed: Cookie disclaimer not replacing translatable strings when used.
Fixed: DropDown with Text custom fields are missing the DropDown control.
Fixed: If the IP blacklist on the security page has never been set, it will display "System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1[System.String]".
Fixed: In Dark Theme, text from Insert Code Snippet button is incorrectly styled when inserting from Canned Reply.
Fixed: Portal color settings not correctly mapped when upgrading to version 14.
Fixed: Portal Signature and Privacy/Cookie Notification textboxes in the management interface are defaulting to <p> tags instead of <div> tags.
Fixed: Some divider lines on the Community Profile page don't use the Brand's Secondary Color setting.
Fixed: Some new installs error while trying to build the UpgradeTasks list.
Fixed: Text from Insert Code Snippet button gets inserted without line breaks in chats and ticket replies.
Fixed: Translatable strings aren't inserting into the Cookie Policy field.
Fixed: Trying to delete a brand can trigger an endless spinner.
Fixed: Upgrading to SmarterTrack 14 with MySQL 5.5 causes errors.
Fixed: Validation message for the CAPTCHA when creating a new Community thread is incorrect.
Fixed: When composing a ticket reply while using dark theme, the custom fields tags have insufficient contrast.
Fixed: When determining if a user is a member of an Organization that allows members to view all tickets, checking for membership by email is case sensitive.
Fixed: When editing a form, closing the "Add Field" modal with the X breaks the "Add Field" button.
Fixed: When updating your avatar from the portal interface, if the only options are "Select your own" and "None", the "None" option doesn't work.
Fixed: When using Edge, tabs are not fully rendering for Brands, Groups, and when replying to a ticket.
Fixed: When viewing a task's History tab, Manual Task Event is showing the unfriendly language string name.
Efficiency: Removed a small browser memory leak on the management interface.
14.0.6743 (Jun 16, 2018)
Key Features
Customizable Forms can be created for use in chats and tickets.
Organizations can now be configured to allow members to see all tickets associated with the organization at the Portal.
Release Notes
IMPORTANT: Additional Portal color options are available. After upgrading, take time to customize the Portal colors to fit your brand.
IMPORTANT: Due to the significant changes in SmarterTrack 14.x, you cannot downgrade or restore your installation to previous versions.
IMPORTANT: Removed File Manager from Knowledge Base and News Items. Files that were previously inserted in articles or news items have been converted to attachments on that item. Files that are stored in File Manager but not attached to any item will be deleted. Prior to upgrading, preserve any files you wish to save by accessing {SmarterTrack}\MRS\App_Data\UserResources.
Added: A new look to the privacy, cookie and terms of service disclaimer. The previous disclaimer found in the brand's Portal footer, "By using this site, you are accepting cookies to store user state and login information", will no longer be displayed. Instead, Administrators can now add their own text and customize the color of the privacy, cookie and terms, which will appear in a small box on the Portal.
Added: Ability to specify a Privacy Policy URL for when a user submits a ticket at the Portal or initiates a chat.
Added: An attachment indicator is included in the content pane of the Tickets section and ticket grids.
Added: Enhanced Organizations with new fields and functionality, including additional profile details and the ability to add internal comments.
Added: For all save processes, a spinner is displayed if the process is slow.
Added: New API call for EditTicketNoteHTML, which allows administrators to edit a ticket's comment in HTML rather than plain text.
Added: New color options for customizing the look of a brand's Portal.
Added: New event types for triggering actions when a form is sent or completed in a ticket or live chat.
Added: Portal conversations are now contained in a My Conversations page.
Changed: All user profile settings available in the management interface at Users, Employees and My Preferences are now available in the portal at My Settings.
Changed: An agent's portal signature is now HTML editable from the management interface.
Changed: Departments are sorted alphabetically in the Call Logs navigation pane.
Changed: For related items, changed "View" to "Open".
Changed: Knowledge Base articles and News Items now handle attachments like Live Chat and Tickets, where the file is attached to the specific article or news item, and deleting the article or news item will delete the associated attachments.
Changed: Made styling for search fields consistent on the portal.
Changed: Minor adjustments to management interface styling.
Changed: Modified Insert Canned Reply to be more mobile friendly.
Changed: Modified styling of offered surveys.
Changed: Moved the default SMTP account from the Settings.xml file and stored it in the database.
Changed: On the Live Chat advanced search page, replaced the "Inactive" status option with "Completed".
Changed: Standardized styling for full-width warnings.
Changed: Streamlined menu structures by removing unneeded menu levels.
Changed: The reset button (X) on the quick search bar is only shown when the quick search bar contains a search value.
Changed: Triggering Manual Events uses a modal instead of dynamically generated menu items.
Changed: Updated the preview pane at Survey settings to display what the survey will look like for the recipient.
Changed: Upgraded MySQL databases to use UTF8MB4 encoding instead of UTF8 for better extended character support.
Changed: User profile pages on the Portal have been redesigned.
Changed: When a user edits a portal signature from the portal, the Source button is no longer available.
Changed: When adding Internal Attachments at Tickets and Call Logs, the file browser is opened directly instead of using an intermediate modal.
Changed: When using Send File in live chats, the file browser directly is opened directly instead of using an intermediate modal.
Changed: When viewing a user profile on the Portal, the list of threads in which the user has participated uses paging instead of scrolling.
Removed: Overview section from portal user profiles.
Removed: Refresh button from content panes.
Removed: User and administrator settings to disable messaging in the Community. Community messaging will be available for any user who has permission to view threads.
Fixed: A company name can now be specified in the account settings for Users and Employees.
Fixed: Adding a comment to a user does not update the badge count.
Fixed: An agent's Advanced Search option on a user's portal profile doesn't work.
Fixed: Changing a ticket's subject does not flag the ticket to be re-indexed.
Fixed: Community thread badges and buttons do not line up correctly.
Fixed: Community thread control buttons are not consistently sized.
Fixed: Dropdown lists on iPhone trigger the auto-zoom behavior.
Fixed: Fields marked as invalid are not legible in Dark Theme.
Fixed: If the delete button is clicked for Knowledge Base articles, Organizations, or Users when there are no items displayed, the delete confirmation modal is displayed.
Fixed: If the New Canned Reply button is clicked while a new KB Article is being created, the new Canned Reply window will load in the new KB Article window.
Fixed: In dark theme, modal headers blend into the primary background.
Fixed: In grids where the items can be reordered, the move arrows don't adjust color for dark theme.
Fixed: In IE11, submenu indicator arrows are displayed incorrectly.
Fixed: In MS Edge, sending a ticket reply clears the page and shows a single hashtag (#) instead of closing the reply window.
Fixed: In Safari, the thread status tag is a different height than the adjacent controls.
Fixed: In some scenarios, submenu indicator arrows will appear on the right, but the submenu will open on the left.
Fixed: Inline ticket attachments are not being properly linked when viewing sent messages.
Fixed: Insert Canned Reply includes a stray backslash while previewing.
Fixed: Insert Canned Reply modal doesn't update after a Canned Reply is edited.
Fixed: Inserting a canned reply sometimes only inserts the first paragraph in chats.
Fixed: Missing delete confirmation dialogs for Brand Custom Links, Department Holidays, Custom Fields, Custom Field Templates, Custom Field Time Log Categories, Supported Languages, and Translatable Strings.
Fixed: Modals are styled and sized inconsistently.
Fixed: Multi-line portal signatures display with extra spacing between lines in the community.
Fixed: Narrow mobile screens force a horizontal scrollbar when viewing a survey with a Rating question.
Fixed: Navigation Tree Add, Edit, and Delete menu options (for folders in KB and Canned Replies) don't work on some mobile devices.
Fixed: Once the submenu arrow indicators move to the left of a menu, they won't revert to the right if the window is resized.
Fixed: Preview panes don't automatically refresh in Firefox.
Fixed: Rating numbers not lining up with the radio buttons on the survey offer.
Fixed: Some HTML editors are not using the Brand's Default Font.
Fixed: Some non-ASCII characters are not properly converted to ASCII when creating a link for generated content, such as for KB articles or news.
Fixed: Some ticket events are not evaluating all of the event conditions.
Fixed: Sorting tickets by subject is not working properly.
Fixed: Styling of read-only fields is unclear on mobile.
Fixed: Surveys aren't showing the thank you message when completed by a user.
Fixed: The auto-generated comment indicating that a ticket was created from a Community thread has extra spaces between the quotes and the beginning and end of the thread title.
Fixed: The brand selector is visible while creating a new ticket when there is only one brand.
Fixed: The external provider details are poorly styled in Dark Theme.
Fixed: The Max Tickets field in an employee's settings is requiring a value when the setting is not enabled.
Fixed: The moderation page doesn't show the reason for reported users.
Fixed: The moderation page shows incorrect reason for reported conversations.
Fixed: The tickets tab of User Details is not loading.
Fixed: The User Details page occasionally errors and triggers an Oops page.
Fixed: The UserCache and UsersInRolesCache are only cleaned up as part of an IIS App Pool reset, resulting in a potential memory leak on the server.
Fixed: Transfer modals formatting is not consistent in all areas.
Fixed: UI not updated after selecting a moderation option for a private conversation.
Fixed: User comments are sorted oldest to newest, while other comment types are sorted newest to oldest.
Fixed: Validation is not displaying properly when completing a survey.
Fixed: When a ticket message is resent, the From and Reply To addresses in the email header are not set properly.
Fixed: When double clicking an item in the Surveys content pane, the survey is popped out in preview mode instead of edit mode.
Fixed: When editing a group, the agents tab appears to change position relative to the other tabs.
Fixed: When editing a survey, validation feedback doesn't display correctly.
Fixed: When saving a survey without Survey Link Text, the survey saves successfully and no validation is displayed that the Link Text is required.
Fixed: When using IE or Edge to add a new user, the new user window is not closed, and the content pane is not auto-updated.