SmarterTrack Release Notes and Version History

Several releases contain notes marked as "Important". Prior to upgrading versions, enter your current build number (e.g. 7852) to view important notes that may affect your upgrade.

5.4.3953 (Oct 28, 2010)

  • Added: A ticket setting for allowing agents to select a specific date and time when scheduling ticket follow-ups.
  • Changed: Time zone information has been updated.
  • Fixed: Removing multiple agents from a group simultaneously now functions as expected.
  • Fixed: Searching for a user by display name or email address now functions as expected.
  • Fixed: The default language can now be reselected in the portal when the language file for another language has not been installed.
  • Fixed: Trend reports with averaged values now show the correct values when grouped by week.
  • Efficiency: Implemented changes to script and stylesheet handlers to reduce the memory usage of the Web interface.
  • Security: Implemented various security fixes to prevent XSS and cookie stealing.

5.3.3925 (Sep 30, 2010)

  • Added: Added a CreateTicketFromCustomer Web service function in the Services2\svcTickets.asmxWweb service that allows a ticket to be created on behalf of the customer.
  • Fixed: New installations no longer have settings with unexpected default values.
  • Fixed: Sending an email reply to a ticket via the events system now uses the correct department's SMTP friendly name.
  • Fixed: SmarterTrack now checks ticket replies to ensure email addresses are not listed in both the To and Cc fields.
  • Fixed: System administrators can now edit business hours and save those changes.
  • Fixed: The calendar in the reports section of the management interface now displays as expected.
  • Fixed: The items in the Communication tab of a ticket now remain expanded when an agent takes a ticket by clicking the Take button.
  • Fixed: The items in the left tree view now reload if the database connection is unavailable when the application starts.
  • Security: Turned on custom error messages to resolve an ASP.NET security vulnerability that allows an attacker to request and download files within an ASP.NET application.
  • Security: Various UI changes have been made to prevent XSS attacks.

5.2.3890 (Aug 26, 2010)

  • Added: An optimization settings page in system settings that controls different performance settings in SmarterTrack.
  • Added: The ability to disable background threads while SmarterTrack is running to assist with debugging.
  • Added: The user agent list has been updated with newer browsers and devices.
  • Changed: A confirmation message now displays when a related item is detached from a ticket, live chat, or call log.
  • Changed: A confirmation message now displays when tasks are detached from tickets, live chats, and call logs.
  • Changed: Creating or transferring a ticket in the SmarterTrack mobile interface no longer require JavaScript-enabled browsers.
  • Changed: The error message that displays when an invalid email address is listed in the To, Cc, or Bcc fields of a ticket reply now provides more details regarding the error.
  • Changed: The Telerik controls have been updated to the current version (2010 Q2).
  • Fixed: A confirmation message now displays when the delete button for a ticket comment is clicked.
  • Fixed: Deleted knowledgebase articles can no longer be accessed by direct URL.
  • Fixed: Some background processes now function as expected in the Free edition.
  • Fixed: The counters in the left tree view of the Manageme section of the management interface now display for employees that belong to the manager role but not the system administrator role.
  • Fixed: The term "unknown agent" is now translatable for any item in the system with an unknown agent ID.
  • Fixed: Ticket replies sent by the events system now display as being sent by "system" instead of "unknown agent".
  • Efficiency: Additional database indexes are now created on new installations.
  • Efficiency: Increased web interface performance by minimizing locks and shared data
  • Efficiency: Messages now display in the live chat window as soon as they are submitted.
  • Efficiency: Optimized database queries to improve the speed at which counts (tickets, live chat, etc.) update in the left tree view.
  • Efficiency: Reduced the number of database queries for the most frequently called pages

5.1.3834 (Jul 1, 2010)

  • Added: A new role permission that allows employees to modify the start date and due date of tasks.
  • Added: A new ticket setting that allows the idle time to be reset when a call log is added to a ticket.
  • Added: Agents viewing tickets via the mobile interface can now view information pertaining to a ticket's idle time, department, group, and agent.
  • Added: Ticket counts are now displayed on the mobile interface navigation pages.
  • Changed: The department setting for changing the requirements for starting a ticket in the portal has been renamed for clarity.
  • Fixed: Agents using the SmarterTrack mobile app can now see a list of tickets that they are eligible to pull from the queue.
  • Fixed: An empty gray area no longer displays in the portal when the login form and live chat is disabled.
  • Fixed: An error no longer occurs when transferring tasks to another agent while deleting an employee.
  • Fixed: Canned replies assigned to everyone now display in the proper folders.
  • Fixed: Canned replies with the backslash character (\) now encode porperly.
  • Fixed: Date and time values in the SmarterTrack mobile app now display in the agent's time zone instead of UTC.
  • Fixed: Knowledge base folders can now be deleted if users have previously searched for articles within the folder.
  • Fixed: Live chat translation now functions as expected when using SSL.
  • Fixed: Paging on the user details popup now functions as expected.
  • Fixed: Private knowledge base folders are no longer accessible by direct URL if a user does not have access to view private folders.
  • Fixed: Read-only permissions for tasks now function as expected.
  • Fixed: Sending files to an end-user through live chat now functions as expected.
  • Fixed: SmarterTrack licenses now activate properly on MySQL.
  • Fixed: System settings now use their default values as expected if the system administrator has not made changes to them.
  • Fixed: The KB Search Folder option in the auto-responder tab of a department's settings now displays the correctly selected value.
  • Fixed: The sample knowledge base folder created during the database setup now displays in the portal search menu by default.
  • Fixed: The ticket department selection text that displays on the portal now loads properly.
  • Fixed: The WYSYWYG editor on the call log window now resizes correctly in the Opera browser.

5.0.3813 (Jun 10, 2010)

  • Added: Added more information to the ticket lists in the mobile interface, such as idle time, assigned agent and group, number of messages, pinned status, and priority.
  • Added: Navigation buttons to help agents view multiple pages of ticket listings in the mobile interface.
  • Added: The knowledge base searches without results report now shows what folder a user searched in.
  • Changed: After transferring a ticket via the mobile interface, the ticket list page now loads and displays a message confirming that the ticket was transferred successfully.
  • Changed: Increased the size of the top bar of the mobile interface to improve usability for touch screen users.
  • Changed: Mobile interface pages now display an appopriate title based on what the agent is viewing (i.e., brand, department, group, or agent name).
  • Changed: Ticket listings in the mobile interface are now limited to 200 items per page.
  • Changed: Users that are not logged into the portal are now prompted to log in if they try to access a private knowledge base article.
  • Fixed: A warning message no longer displays in a ticket's related items tab if the agent does not have ownership of the ticket.
  • Fixed: Accessing the mobile interface from a shortcut on the iPhone or iPad no longer loads an additional window in Safari.
  • Fixed: Agents accessing SmarterTrack via the mobile app can now perform the same actions on a ticket as they can when accessing SmarterTrack through the management interface.
  • Fixed: An application pool recycle on high-utilization servers now functions as expected.
  • Fixed: An HTML description of the call log(s) related to a ticket is no longer encoded in the communication tab of the ticket.
  • Fixed: SmarterTrack now functions as expected when the New Ticket From Email Requires setting on the Ticket Settings page is set to nobody.
  • Fixed: System administrators can now complete the database wizard after performing a manual install on a new system.
  • Fixed: The browse knowledge base text setting on the Department Settings page is no longer required if the auto-responder is not enabled for the department.

5.0.3810 (Jun 7, 2010)

  • Added: A new web service to svcOrganization.asmx for GetGroupsForUser.
  • Added: Group members can now use the Take Ticket functionality to transfer a ticket to themselves when accessing SmarterTrack via the mobile interface.
  • Changed: The SmarterTrack mobile app now limits the number of closed ticket results to 200 results.
  • Changed: To improve usability, the New Ticket Requires option on the Ticket Settings page has been split into two new options: New Ticket from Email Requires and New Ticket in Portal Requires.
  • Efficiency: To improve page load time, various performance enhancements were made to the mobile interface.

5.0.3806 (Jun 3, 2010)

  • Added: A call logging system that can be used to track and report on incoming and outgoing phone calls and associate them with tickets and Live Chats.
  • Added: A dynamically created sitemap based on the structure of the portal, knowledge base, and news items to enhance SEO efforts.
  • Added: A New button in the actions toolbar that allows agents to create a new ticket.
  • Added: A new email template for email ticket submissions that do not meet the requirements to start a ticket.
  • Added: A new licensing manager for future functionality.
  • Added: A new setting that allows system managers to hide the link to the management interface in the portal.
  • Added: A new settings page for submitting dynamically created portal sitemaps to search engines.
  • Added: A setting specifying whether the portal loads the knowledge base in browse mode or search mode by default.
  • Added: A task management system that allows employees to track tasks associated with tickets, live chats, and calls.
  • Added: Agents can now send files to end users through live chat.
  • Added: Agents can now upload files to a ticket without sending a message.
  • Added: An option to hide specific folders when searching the knowledge base via the portal. Searches of parent items will still include articles in child folders.
  • Added: An user information external provider that allows for custom information to be returned and displayed with tickets. Companies can implement this provider to give agents access to company-specific information or links to internal systems.
  • Added: Auto-responders now include a link to the knowledge base in the body of the responder if no related articles were found during the auto-search.
  • Added: Bulk operations for managing the privacy and status of news items from the grid.
  • Added: Bulk operations for managing the privacy, status, and folder of canned replies from the grid.
  • Added: Bulk operations for managing the privacy, status, and folder of knowledge base articles from the grid view.
  • Added: End users are now prompted to send a reply requesting to close a ticket with closing requirements.
  • Added: End users can now send files to agents through live chat.
  • Added: Live chat setting for toggling the ability for end users to send files
  • Added: New system-level and agent-level live chat events.
  • Added: New system-level events for POP and SMTP errors.
  • Added: New Web services for tickets (service2/svcTickets.asmx), organization (service2/svcOrganization.asmx), and the Knowledge Base (service2/svcKB.asmx) that replace and greatly extend the old Web services.
  • Added: SmarterTrack Mobile CTP. WAP interface allowing agents to create, reply to, and manage their tickets using a smartphone.
  • Added: StumbleUpon is now available as a social networking link in the portal.
  • Added: System administrators can now customize the link text to browse the knowledge base in an auto-responder.
  • Added: The ability to configure company holidays to identify days when live chat should automatically be disabled.
  • Added: The ability to configure multiple shifts and business hours for each day of the week.
  • Added: The ability to create multiple root-level folders in the knowledge base.
  • Added: The ability to filter incoming messages, outgoing messages, comments, and related items in the Communications tab of a ticket.
  • Added: The ability to insert M4V files in knowledge base articles and news items.
  • Added: The ability to log in to the portal and management interface simultaneously.
  • Added: The ability to make the anchor title of text-based live chat links different from the text or description of the link.
  • Added: The ability to mark a ticket for follow-up, which will allow the ticket to reactivate after a specified time period and prompt the agent to take further action.
  • Added: The ability to search for a specific canned reply while composing a ticket or participating in a live chat.
  • Added: The ability to test the database connection via the Databse Settings page.
  • Added: The ability to view user details from a ticket, live chat, or call log.
  • Added: The option to disable the automatic suggestion of related knowledge base articles when a ticket is submitted through the portal.
  • Added: The option to perform an advanced ticket search for specific words or phrases in the ticket subject.
  • Added: The option to remove the live chat link from the portal. This allows companies to display the live chat link on their website, but not on their portal pages.
  • Added: The option to require that agents complete all related tasks prior to closing a ticket.
  • Added: The organization grids now have a count of total items
  • Added: The ticket starting external provider now accepts group ID, group name, and department ID as possible output values for changing the destination of the ticket.
  • Added: To aid in troubleshooting, an option to record detailed query activity has been added to Log Settings.
  • Added: To improve usability, attachments and uploaded files for a ticket or live chat are now displayed in a new Files tab in addition to the Communications tab.
  • Added: To improve usability, various tabs in the management interface now display the total count of items within the tab.
  • Changed: A new ticket option now displays in the left tree view of the Manage section if the user is assigned the manager role.
  • Changed: If there are no knowledge base articles in the system, the area will no longer display in the portal.
  • Changed: Improved HTML coding and employed other optimization techniques to improve portal SEO.
  • Changed: Improved the look and feel of charts to use more of the available space and make them easier to read.
  • Changed: Knowledge base articles displayed in the portal now show the total number of times the articles have been viewed.
  • Changed: Knowledge base articles now display more consistently throughout the portal.
  • Changed: Knowledge base search results are now be grouped by folder and organized by relevancy.
  • Changed: New raw content files are now stored as compressed zip files to improve efficiency.
  • Changed: New social networks have been added for Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and more. Discontinued social networking sites have also been removed.
  • Changed: Numerous usability enhancements to the management interface and portal.
  • Changed: Revised the default text for email templates to improve usability.
  • Changed: Revised the names of items in the Workspace and Manage tree views for consistency.
  • Changed: Several enhancements to streamline and improve the organization and navigation of the knowledge base in the portal.
  • Changed: SmarterTrack now accepts numbers as valid search tokens, so advanced searches using the Search String field or knowledge base searches with numbers now return results. Re-indexing the SmarterTrack search tables may be necessary for this change to take effect for existing data.
  • Changed: SmarterTrack now asks for confirmation when an agent clicks on the End Chat button.
  • Changed: Survey results are now available to managers to allow them to better evaluate agent performance.
  • Changed: The ability to access WhosOn is now a configurable role permission for employees.
  • Changed: The Agents page in the system settings has been renamed to Employees.
  • Changed: The automated installer now includes the option to set up Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Express Edition.
  • Changed: The icons used to depict active, waiting, and closed status are now larger.
  • Changed: The option to display the agent's name when a Live Chat invitiation is sent is now on the Live Chat settings page.
  • Changed: The option to enable an agent to push a webpage to a customer via Live Chat is now on the Groups settings page.
  • Changed: The options for activating a license or performing a self-diagnostic are now in the Activations folder in system settings.
  • Changed: The portal now displays Knowledge Base articles on a single page.
  • Changed: The settings tree view has been reorganized to improve usability.
  • Changed: The Spools page is now a root-level item in the Manage tree view.
  • Changed: The subject line is now a required field when composing new tickets.
  • Changed: The warning message for disabling user logins on the portal settings page no longer applies and has been removed.
  • Changed: The Web service URL is now a required field in order to save an external provider.
  • Changed: To improve formatting and display of tickets and live chats, resolution search results no longer have line breaks.
  • Changed: To improve usability, knowledge base articles displayed in the portal now appear with an icon next to them.
  • Changed: To improve usability, knowledge base searches performed in the portal now display the top 40 relevant results.
  • Changed: To improve usability, new raw content files are now stored in subfolders by month.
  • Changed: To improve usability, the canned reply window is now larger.
  • Changed: To improve usability, the login form now displays on every page of the portal.
  • Changed: To improve usability, the related items grid has been redesigned.
  • Changed: Users can no longer change the sort order of knowledge base articles in the portal.
  • Removed: Because active Live Chats now display in popup windows, the setting to control whether Live Chats are managed in the main window or a popup has been removed.
  • Removed: Because ticket responses now display in a popup window, the reply mode setting that controls whether ticket responses are created in the main window or a popup has been removed.
  • Removed: The link to bookmark a knowledge base article or news item in the portal no longer displays in Google Chome due to browser limitations.
  • Removed: The setting for the maximum raw content length has been removed, as it is no longer needed with auto-purging and raw content compression.
  • Fixed: All setting pages in the management interface now use AJAX for a richer user experience.
  • Fixed: Deleted knowledge base articles can no longer be accessed by direct URL.
  • Fixed: Deleted usernames can now be assigned to new users.
  • Fixed: Deleting a knowledge base article or news item now immediately invalidates the cache and updates the portal homepage appropriately.
  • Fixed: Employees will no longer have access to the knowledge base in the management interface if they do not have permission to view or manage articles.
  • Fixed: Fields on setting pages through the management interface now align properly.
  • Fixed: If a supported language is removed from the system, any knowledge base articles assigned to that language are now reassigned to the default language.
  • Fixed: If there are no knowledge base articles to display in the portal, this section is now hidden to improve usability and appearance.
  • Fixed: Knowledge base trend reports can now be grouped by different date ranges.
  • Fixed: Notes can now be expanded and collapsed in the Communication tab of a ticket.
  • Fixed: Related items can now be expanded and collapsed in the Communication tab of a ticket.
  • Fixed: Related items listed in the details tab of a task now open in a new window.
  • Fixed: Reports now resize correctly in Internet Explorer and Chrome.
  • Fixed: Settings pages no longer display unnecessary scrollbars in the Chrome browser.
  • Fixed: SmarterTrack no longer places passwords stored in Firefox in the Password field on the Users page in system settings.
  • Fixed: SmarterTrack no longer records an error for a missing image file in the database wizard.
  • Fixed: SmarterTrack now checks email responses for multiple ticket numbers in the subject line and assigns the response to the appropriate ticket. This avoids possible issues that could occur if two SmarterTrack installations are communicating with eachother.
  • Fixed: SmarterTrack now checks the requirements for starting a ticket on email ticket submissions.
  • Fixed: SmarterTrack now indexes searches with the word "exception" as expected.
  • Fixed: SmarterTrack will now reindex knowledge base articles that have been edited.
  • Fixed: Special characters such as angle brackets are now parsed out of searches for knowledge base articles in the portal.
  • Fixed: System administrators and agents can now delete knowledge base articles from the portal if they are logged in, even if they are not logged in to the management interface.
  • Fixed: The Auto-logout field in the Agents tab of the Groups Settings page now has a default value of 30 minutes.
  • Fixed: The buttons to collapse and expand all items within a tab will now always display at the top of a ticket's Communication tab.
  • Fixed: The details tab of a ticket now loads properly inTturkish installations of SQL server.
  • Fixed: The Dismiss All button in the reminders popup now works as expected.
  • Fixed: The installation of SQL Server Express included in the automated installer now functions as expected on 64-bit machines.
  • Fixed: The knowledge base now always displays a button at the bottom of articles to return to search results.
  • Fixed: The left sidebar in the portal will no longer displays if there are no items to show in it.
  • Fixed: The meta descriptions for knowledge base articles is now encoded once.
  • Fixed: The Name field is now required to save an event.
  • Fixed: The scrollbar now displays in tree views when necessary after changing between sections of the interface.
  • Fixed: The time of day event condition now works for all time ranges.
  • Fixed: The WhosOn density map now updates marker locations as expected
  • Fixed: The WYSIWYG editor now functions as expected in Opera 10.5 and later.
  • Fixed: Tickets that are deleted or marked as spam now cannot be transferred without first restoring them.
  • Fixed: Tickets that are deleted or marked as spam now cannot have their status changed without first restoring them.
  • Fixed: Users that are assigned to call logs with custom field values can now be deleted.
  • Efficiency: Optimized database transactions to reduce the number of active queries.
  • Efficiency: Various performance enhancements were made to decrease database calls and increase page load speed.